An apprenticeship with Baba Solomon is designed to focus on Yoruba Orisa worship and spiritual practices which is an invaluable opportunity for anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and engagement with the tradition. Baba offers both short-term and long-term options, allowing participants to pursue full initiations or sub-initiations based on their level of prior experience.

Here are some key aspects and components that can be included in the apprenticeship program:

  1. Full initiations and sub-initiations: You have the option to undergo full initiations with Baba Solomon. And for those already initiated, sub-initiations can be offered to bring you up to your level of apprenticeship. You will develop additional understanding and practice.


  2. Divination training: Divination is a crucial aspect of Yoruba spirituality. Apprentices can learn various divination systems, such as obi and merindinlogun (sixteen cowries). Training can encompass understanding the mechanics of divination, interpreting sacred scriptures, oriki (praise poems), iton (stories), songs, and learning the appropriate use of prayers and invocations (ofo) in making offerings and sacrifices.

  3. Herbal knowledge and magical medicines: The use of herbs and magical medicines is integral to Yoruba spiritual practices. Apprentices can learn about the properties and applications of different herbs, as well as how to prepare remedies and treatments for various purposes within the tradition.

  4. Ebo (offerings) and rituals: Apprentices can be trained in the art of performing ebo, which are ritual offerings made to the Orisa or ancestral spirits. This includes understanding the significance of specific offerings, proper procedures for conducting rituals, and the use of prayers and invocations during the process.

  5. Priestly responsibilities and practices: The program can cover the role and responsibilities of a priest within the Yoruba spiritual tradition. This includes learning how to work for people as a priest, conducting ceremonies, leading rituals, and providing guidance and support to the community.

  6. Practical skills: Apprenticeship can also encompass practical skills such as taking people to the river for spiritual cleansing, teaching songs and chants associated with Orisa worship, and developing an understanding of various aspects of the Orisa spiritual system.

The purpose of apprenticeship in Yoruba spirituality is to be guided, traditionally, by an elder who provides a personal experience, checks progress, and offers guidance. Working alongside an experienced elder like Baba Solomon can enhance your learning and ensure a more comprehensive understanding of the teachings.

In addition, an apprenticeship can provide you with a structured and comprehensive learning experience, enabling you to deepen your connection to Yoruba Orisa worship, expand your knowledge of spiritual practices, and develop the skills necessary to serve your community in a priestly role.

Baba has beautiful accommodations so you will be well cared for. In addition to the apprenticeship with Baba Solomon, individuals may also consider a long-term stay in Nigeria, providing a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture and explore the potential of Aje, the Orisa of Wealth and Well-Being. By residing in Nigeria, Baba can assist apprentices to engage in business ventures and firsthand experiences that allow them to harness the power of Orisa Aje in practical ways. This transformative experience encourages individuals to think creatively and apply the blessings of the Orisa to various endeavors such as building projects, agricultural initiatives, and more. Through real-time practice, apprentices can witness the tangible impact of the Orisa's influence, fostering a deeper understanding of wealth generation, well-being, and the interconnectedness between spirituality and everyday life.